It's easy to find out the balance in your checking account through an ATM. But, that balance doesn't reflect any checks you may have written that have not yet been cleared. But, if you use this checking account calculator you'll always know the "real" balance in your checking account. And, no more worries about math errors - it does all the calculations for you!
- Click on the "Download the Checking Account Calculator" link at the bottom of this page. An interactive PDF version of the Checking Account Calculator will open on your screen.
- Save this PDF document to your drive by doing a "save page as" and by naming the document to help you identify it. For example, you may want to name the document something like:
Checking-2009-May-01.pdf - CLOSE YOUR BROWSER. This is important because the version on your screen is still the one from the website not the document you saved to your drive.
- Find the document you have saved on your drive and open it.
- In the top-right corner of the form, enter your current checking account balance.
- Enter the date for your first new transaction (deposit or payment) on the first line.
- If you are entering a payment by check, enter the check number; otherwise, just skip this field.
- Enter information about your payment or deposit in the description column. Be sure to record ATM withdrawals, debit card purchases and bills paid automatically here, too.
- When you tab over to (or click in) the balance column, you'll see an updated balance. It's that easy!
- When you get to the bottom of the page just start on a new page by using the last balance as your starting point. You may want to print the filled pages or just save them electronically.
Download the Checking Account Calculator
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